For anyone interested there is a new music forum at...
You have to register. THIS IS NOT JUST A DAVID BOWIE FORUM!!! There is all genres of music available.
As it's only just started not much is uploaded right now,but it will increase.
CocoRosie - The Bones of J.R. Jones - Tha Flicker
15 hours ago
This forum was already existing but under another name.
I tried to join them 1 year ago but got no confirmation.
I did the same now but with the same result.
If you succeeded you are lucky
Well if you're not a member as from now, YOU have obviously done something wrong, as no new registrations are waiting to be accepted!
Good to see you're still around Cygnet , hope you're keeping well .
I'll give this forum a try .
Hi Cagnet, I´ve registered on the zetaboard blog. When I log in, I get the message `Thanks for logging in, You can not view this board
Error Code: 1003:6053109.
What does this mean?
Hurra, finally it works! thx Cygnet
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