1983 06 20 Berlin Back In Berlin.
Download Here...
1983 06 24 Offenbach Offenbach 24 June 1983.
Download Here...
1983 06 25 Rotterdam Rotterdam 83.
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1983 06 26 Rotterdam Keep On.
Download Here...
1983 06 28 Edinburgh Edinburgh June 28 1983.
Download Here..
1983 06 30 London On The Hammersmith Stage.
Download Here...
1983 07 01 Milton Keynes Milton Keynes First Night.
Download Here...
1983 07 02 Milton Keynes Milton Keynes Bowl 2nd July 1983.
Download Here...
1983 07 03 Milton Keynes Dedicated To Lennard Holt.
Download Here...
1983 07 11 Quebec Quebec `83.
Download Here...
Cygnet, thanks for your latest offering, its a great pity that not everyone who downloads leaves you a comment, thanks for sticking with this , we appreciate it. love on ya, fatwhiteduke
thanks again, cygnet! hope rotterdam sounds good!
love on ya from Amsterdam
FWD...As of 10:00am this morning there have been 113 downloads and 2 thanks! Sometimes i wonder why i bother. But i know there are a few regulars, such as yourself that contribute, and that makes me carry on.
Anyway enjoy these and look foward too more :)
you are divine cignet!bowie forever
Thanks for all your work, it´s incredible. Never thought I could ever listen again to all the concerts in Germany and Austria I´ve been to again. All the best to you.
Greetings from Austria
Great Stuff. Really brought joy to my sunday morning - and now have to go and do some snow work.
Thaks a lot
regards Tähtimies
And still the goodies keep coming. Brilliant stuff cygnet. I bless you madly.
Hi Cygnet,Thanx a bunch for the latest batch,It's been like kiddy in sweet shop time here. Great stuff! I wonder if Mr B has had a gander!
Cheers Dave.
AAhhh...Milton Keynes, 1st of July '83. My first Bowie gig and only 14 at the time. It's somehow taken me 27 years to get round to hearing this! Cygnet, you are a star of stars! Very best wishes & good health, Gilly.
Hope you are well
Thanks a million, Edinburgh (1st DB Gig)and Milton Keynes July 2nd which was my second DB Gig, also must correct my earlier comment, Edinburgh was on a rainy Tuesday not Sunday !!!
Really appreciate these shows
Hi Cygnet,your really on a roll of late,thanks as always,as for the ignorance of those who d/l with no thanks please don't let it get you down,I'm sure most people appreciate what you're doing,even if they don't have the manners to say so.
all the best,
Cygnet - fantastic work - I love your blog - and hope that your health has improved judging by the flurry of recent posts - thank you thank you thank you
Thank you so very much for all this work and sharing these with all of us!
Thanks for Milton Keynes First Night - not the best recording but one I've been looking for for ages, just because I was there that day.
why only mp3"s and why not in lossless files flac os shn
Why not search for them!!! It's not a hard thing to do!!!
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